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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 1-443

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Distributions of the Extreme Eigenvaluesof Beta–Jacobi Random Matrices

Ioana Dumitriu and Plamen Koev

pp. 1-6

Rigidity in Finite-Element Matrices: Sufficient Conditions for the Rigidity of Structures and Substructures

Gil Shklarski and Sivan Toledo

pp. 7-40

Generalized Eigenvalues of Nonsquare Pencils with Structure

Pablo Lecumberri, Marisol Gómez, and Alfonso Carlosena

pp. 41-55

First-Order Methods for Sparse Covariance Selection

Alexandre d'Aspremont, Onureena Banerjee, and Laurent El Ghaoui

pp. 56-66

Wavefront Reconstruction Methods for Adaptive Optics Systems on Ground-Based Telescopes

Johnathan M. Bardsley

pp. 67-83

Functions Preserving Nonnegativity of Matrices

Gautam Bharali and Olga Holtz

pp. 84-101

The Arnoldi Process and GMRES for Nearly Symmetric Matrices

Bernhard Beckermann and Lothar Reichel

pp. 102-120

Graph Clustering Via a Discrete Uncoupling Process

Stijn Van Dongen

pp. 121-141

A Divide-and-Conquer Method for the Takagi Factorization

Wei Xu and Sanzheng Qiao

pp. 142-153

On the Estimation of the Distance to Uncontrollability for Higher Order Systems

Emre Mengi

pp. 154-172

An Equilibrium Problem for the Limiting Eigenvalue Distribution of Banded Toeplitz Matrices

Maurice Duits and Arno B. J. Kuijlaars

pp. 173-196

Algebraic Characterizations for Positive Realness of Descriptor Systems

Delin Chu and Roger C. E. Tan

pp. 197-222

On Numerical Issues of Interior Point Methods

Csaba Mészáros

pp. 223-235

Orthogonalization Via Deflation: A Minimum Norm Approach for Low-Rank Approximations of a Matrix

Achiya Dax

pp. 236-260

The Sinkhorn–Knopp Algorithm: Convergence and Applications

Philip A. Knight

pp. 261-275

A Fast Newton's Method for a Nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equation

Dario A. Bini, Bruno Iannazzo, and Federico Poloni

pp. 276-290

On Asymptotic Convergence of Nonsymmetric Jacobi Algorithms

Christian Mehl

pp. 291-311

A Class of Sparse Unimodular Matrices Generating Multiresolution and Sampling Analysis for Data of Any Length

N. D. Atreas, C. Karanikas, and P. Polychronidou

pp. 312-323

Optimizing the Coupling Between Two Isometric Projections of Matrices

Catherine Fraikin, Yurii Nesterov, and Paul Van Dooren

pp. 324-345

Convergence of the Dominant Pole Algorithm and Rayleigh Quotient Iteration

Joost Rommes and Gerard L. G. Sleijpen

pp. 346-363

Comments on "Jordan Canonical Form of the Google Matrix"

Gang Wu and Yimin Wei

pp. 364-374

The Metric Nearness Problem

Justin Brickell, Inderjit S. Dhillon, Suvrit Sra, and Joel A. Tropp

pp. 375-396

Computation of Large Invariant Subspaces Using Polynomial Filtered Lanczos Iterations with Applications in Density Functional Theory

C. Bekas, E. Kokiopoulou, and Yousef Saad

pp. 397-418

A Fast Method for Finding the Global Solution of the Regularized Structured Total Least Squares Problem for Image Deblurring

Amir Beck, Aharon Ben-Tal, and Christian Kanzow

pp. 419-443